All the action is over here.
Monday, March 16, 2009
No need to state the obvious, but...
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8:03 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Happy birthday to me! What was the best birthday gift I received, you ask? Why, this little beauty waiting in my mailbox:
Last time I got jury duty I was psyched because A) my employer paid for jury duty service and B) I hated my job, so it was a great excuse to play hooky. Now that I love my job and don't get paid for jury duty, I am significantly less excited about the prospect of spending all day in the courthouse.
Also, I erased my contact info on the jury duty form so you can't read it in the picture, but this summons is actually addressed to Elizabeth LaBam. Yes, I commit voter fraud every single election, and no, the government doesn't care. I used to spend a lot of energy trying to get my name corrected, including sending in signed affidavits and copies of my ID. I finally talked to some clerk who assured me that it's fine that I'm voting under a different name. Swell! The system works!
And now for something completely different:
I really want them to change the text on the bottom to "Ho-Ho-Hope."
And finally: I don't have any firsthand information about starving orphans (sorry!) but we did see Slumdog Millionaire recently and LOVED it. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Beautiful, thought-provoking, tragic, inspiring, magical...seriously. Go.
Postscript: Merry Christmas!
Posted by
9:34 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A very Merry Christmas indeed
Lately, work and life craziness have squashed all non-essential blogging; however, the newest addition to the LaBau household has inspired me to put on my blogging pants once more.
For Christmas this year, Jason & I decided to get ourselves a new TV/entertainment system. If you have had the "pleasure" of watching TV at our house, you will know that this investment is SORELY needed. Allow me to introduce our old TV:
That's right. An analog TV. Straight antenna system, no cable to be had. A sad off-brand DVD/VCR player that barely plays VHS tapes and is currently holding a DVD hostage and won't open at all. (We have vowed to attack it with a screwdriver once we get the new system fully functioning.)
But now...drumroll please...
A shiny new plasma TV! Not pictured: the new DVD/VHS player, and the DirecTV DVR system we're getting set up early next week.
People, this is going to be good. If we drop off the face of the earth, rest assured that we are probably 72 hours into a week-long Law & Order marathon, our pajamas glued to the couch with a mixture of popcorn butter and drool, our bleary faces basking in the sweet glow of a fully-functioning television.
[P.S. Apologies for the blatant consumerist nonsense. I promise to blog about needy orphans for the rest of the month.]
Posted by
9:12 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Yes, We Did (or, How I Spent My Election Weekend)
So by now the Obama victory is old news, and I'm sure most people are tired of hearing about it. However, I'm not tired of talking about it yet and I'm anxious to share our canvassing experience, so consider yourself forewarned. It's no secret that Jason & I have been big Obama supporters this year. Our car is be-stickered. Our wardrobe is Obama'd. We've donated to the campaign almost a half-dozen times, and we've telemarketed phonebanked for Obama this fall. So when we heard the campaign was asking for California volunteers to go to Nevada over election weekend, we knew we had to make the trek. This is our story. *Law and Order theme music*
First, a quick sidebar about the drive. I am very much a greenery lover, but there is something about the desert that fascinates me, especially the dying towns scattered by the highways. I am kind of obsessed. J suggested I go for my phD in sociology so I can visit these godforsaken towns and figure out who lives there and what life is like. I dismissed that as crazy graduate student talk, but a nice idea nonetheless. We stopped at this truck stop on the way. I was especially drawn to it because I originally misread the sign and thought they had a "brain burger." Mmm, tastes like smarts.
So we get to Vegas and have some time to check into our hotel and relax before the "short training meeting." We were a few minutes later and were nervous that it would be embarrassing to walk into the room tardy. Um, we needn't have worried:
Hundreds and HUNDREDS of people were there. It was a zoo! Here's the awesome thing: there was another training meeting in this same location a few hours later. So this is just the turnout from one meeting in one location in one city in Nevada. AND these were just the California volunteers who needed training, so I'd guess there must have been thousands more who had already been trained, or who were native Nevadans, or who were going to be at other meetings in the state. The scope of the volunteer outreach was really amazing.
The atmosphere in the room was electric, there was a huge buzz and excitement. Of course with this many people the "short meeting" turned into (barely) controlled chaos, as the campaign leader was late, the Q&A dragged on, and the passing out of assignments was a logistical nightmare. By the time we were finished we were both kind of tired and cranky, as it was most definitely past our dinner time and we're both such Type A personalities, being subjected to disorganization is painful.[At the training meeting. We're fuzzy with excitement!]
We had originally been told that we would be poll-watching. The short explanation of that is, poll-watchers record who has voted, and relay this information to the campaign HQ so that they can target their people who haven't yet voted, and call or visit them and encourage them to vote. Due to logistical difficulties we decided to canvass instead, which is kind of like tracting. We were assigned a field station to work out of, which turned out to be someone's garage. We were provided a neighborhood map and a list of addresses and names, mostly those of low-turnout democrats (who might need a nudge to get out and vote) or Obama-leaning independents. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, was to visit these folks, see if they'd voted yet, and if not, see if they were going to vote, if they knew where to vote, and if they needed a ride to the polls. Let the games begin.
Fortunately I had a former missionary with me, so after he got over the weirdness of tracting-yet-not-tracting, he was a total champ. I was more of a wuss and got psyched out by the HUGE dogs that were behind every single fence! Seriously, Vegas must be the dog capital of the world, because they were everywhere. And it didn't help that our first neighborhood was pretty run-down and a little scary.
However, here's the awesome part. Everyone was so nice. A lot of people weren't home, but those that we were able to talk to were so pleasant. And really, they probably weren't too happy to see us, since the Obama campaign has been stalking Nevada voters for months. [Really: starting at 6am election day, everyone on our lists got doorhangers with their voting information. We started knocking doors at 9, made another sweep mid-day, and a third sweep around 5pm. That's 4 visits in one day, not including the weeks of phone calls prior to the election.] So these people had good reason to be VERY tired of the election, and the Obama campaign specifically. But everyone seemed really happy, and excited about the election, and they cheered us on. So that was extremely motivating.
Of course there were a few bumps in the road: confusing street signs and maps. Gated communities (but we are sneaky and got into most of them.) Several very suspicious old people. Having to listen to a few overly smug liberals congratulate themselves on their general liberalness and awesomeness. [Another sidebar: it is a very weird position, being a liberal member of a very conservative church. It's often uncomfortable and sometimes downright frustrating, feeling like there's nowhere I can just be myself without walking on eggshells. I know we're not the only ones, but it often feels that way.]
So Tuesday was a very full day of canvassing. We did a total of five maps, which I estimate to be about 250-300 houses. We switched field stations mid-day, and canvassed until 6:30, which was pushing it, since polls closed at 7. The atmosphere at the second field station was pretty festive, since we'd started receiving early results from back east and there was some good news (once Pennsylvania came in we started feeling optimistic...and it only got better from there). We had chili and watched the returns with our newfound friends for awhile, but since I had to work bright and early Wednesday morning, we had to leave and drive back to LA.
We listened to NPR for as long as we could receive it, and fortunately were able to hear that it was called for Obama before radio silence set it. Although the ride back was long, and we were beyond tired, it was a jubilant exhaustion, knowing that history was made. We were especially excited to hear that Nevada went for Obama (and Clark County was up for him by almost 20%) because we felt like we had a personal stake in that outcome. I'm glad the election is over, but more than that, I'm glad that we were able to play a small part in such a defining event for our generation.
Posted by
6:36 PM
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trunk or Treat
Halloween shenanigans at the ward Trunk or Treat party...
I went as a hippie, Jason went as a mime, together we were Peace & Quiet. Oh ho ho, it works on so many levels. Jason is a terrifying awesome mime, and people were really impressed. He also scared small children, including one who would run crying from him, shouting, "Witch! Witch!" Maybe now he'll listen when I say people don't like mimes...We were supposed to decorate our car trunks. A last-minute trip to the 99 cent store netted a pretty sweet spiderweb, some spiders and rats, and a flashing skull. We only got one comment on how "scary" the Obama stickers were...we expected a few more!
Yeah, many other trunks put ours to shame.
I liked Brett & KT's the best. Everything is better with corpses.
Their costumes were pretty sweet, too.
Heather & Tom in their " Jaws" car.
Chris went as Shrek...
...while Holly and Whitney were a rabbit and a chicken, aka "ogre food."
Tim & Leslie also got into the couples costume spirit. All That & A Bag of...Hips?
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10:19 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Comic Wisdom
Every time I look at this I laugh. Without fail.
I also really like this one, which basically sums up my life philosophy...Which in turn reminds me of a classic Calvin & Hobbes strip...
Which is notably mostly for having my most favoritest Calvinism ever. Is it so wrong to take life lessons from a fictional five-year old?
Posted by
10:58 PM
Labels: curmudgeonism
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Election Come Sooner
Even inanimate objects now share my Obama-love.
Hey Senator McCain, what do you think of the Obama poster I spotted?

Lest I appear to pick on the GOP too much, I must say that Sarah Palin took her punches with grace on SNL yesterday. I won't even comment on the fact that she's doing SNL but not Meet the Press. Nope, not a word. That cool with you, Governor? Wink once if you approve.

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4:27 PM